Add Hosting Account


Softaculous Cloud allows you to connect your hosting accounts irrespective where they are hosted. You can add multiple hosting accounts and manage all of them from a single panel. The benefit of adding a hosting account is that, when you want to install an app (e.g. WordPress) you do not need to create a database or upload the files manually. Just select the hosting account and domain on the install form and Softaculous will use the control panel APIs to perform the required operations.

Note : At the moment this feature supports cPanel and Webuzo only.

Go to Hosting Accounts Page

Select Hosting Accounts from the left menu to visit the Hosting Accounts page which lists all existing hosting accounts. Here you can edit and delete the hosting accounts you have added.
In order to add a new one click on the Add Hosting Account button.

Add Hosting Account

To add a hosting account in Softaculous Cloud, you have to provide the domain name, select the authentication type and enter authentication credentials.

  • Domain : The primary domain name on your hosting account
  • Authentication Type : Choose I have Hosting account or FTP credentials
  • Choose your Control Panel : Based on your control panel choose the panel. If your panel is not on the list choose FTPS or SFTP
  • Username : Enter your cPanel/Webuzo username
  • Password : Enter your cPanel/Webuzo password

Submit the form and save the hosting account.
That’s it!

Now you can install WordPress and other scripts on your domain added through this process. You can also install apps on your addon or sub-domains present in your hosting account. You will find the list of all domains after you select the hosting account.

Refer to the following guide on how to install WordPress on your hosting account.

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