

Version : 2.6.9

Votes : 73


bbPress is forum software from the creators of WordPress. Quickly setup a place for asyncronous discussion, subscriptions, and more! bbPress is focused on simplicity, flexibility, a deep integration with WordPress, web standards, and speed. bbPress is lean, mean, and ready to take on any job you throw at it.

  • Space Required : 54.56 MB
  • Release Date : 29-11-2021
  • Get Support : Visit Support Site
  • Reviews : 4
    • Simple Setup
      Simple Setup Easy to setup. Easy to moderate. Fast, and clean.
    • Fully Integrated
      One central account. One unified admin area. One click install.
    • Multisite Forums
      Divide your site into sections. Allow your users to create content.
    • Fast and light
      We keep our code lean so that you get the best experience possible.
    • Simple interface
      One of our biggest goals is to keep things simple and make things intuitive. Our dream is that you forget you are even using the software
    • Customizable templates
      Not everybody likes the same pair of pants, so we allow you to dress up your forums however you like.
    • Highly extensible
      bbPress can not toast your bagels, but a plugin for it sure could!
    • Spam protection
      Full Akismet support built in offering you an amazing weapon against spam.
    • RSS Feeds
      You want feeds? We get them, they are everywhere.
Ratings Total User Guest
51 0 51
4 0 4
2 0 2
8 0 8
8 0 8
Average Ratings 4.12 0.00 4.12

The best forum plugin in wordpress

⚊ a Guest - b9_15318636(September 21, 2014, 7:22 pm)

grrrrreat;) three and a half thumbs up

⚊ a Guest - CHP(April 6, 2013, 3:42 pm)

The 3 things which should be considered before using a forum software are. 1.Customization 2.Design 3.Speed Including these features bbpress has great support and community i.e why I will choose bbpress on my next projects.

⚊ a Guest - Sonu(February 9, 2011, 12:12 pm)

bbPress is a neat and easy to use forum software, with a good amount of plug-ins. The fact that is from the same people who created WordPress made me immediately go for it. Themes will be there soon, although I love the default theme. Especially the integration between a WordPress blog and the bbPress forum is very handy, where you can can match the user roles from bbPress with those of WordPress. So if you are maintaining a WordPress blog and want a forum bbPress would be the ideal solution.

⚊ a Guest - faithofl(November 6, 2010, 7:02 am)
  • screenshot-bbPress
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