Version : 8.1
Votes : 341
Open Source Social Network also know as OSSN is a social networking software written in PHP. Open Source Social Network allows you to make a social networking website, helps your members build social relationships with people who share similar professional or personal interests.
this is good and has many functions!
This is a good script for creating your own social network. Have plenty of free components.
Does just what I need. Small codebase and low on resources.
So far good love it
Very nice modern script to run your social network. I love it
Really free and really GREAT, true and comfortable to use.
i really like this website and their software
Really nice working and FREE. Recommend.
Using it since 2 years and it is good working till now
very useful for starting your own network
It's amazing and useful. I love it.
It is good , perfect and less in size, fast. Good to start your own social network.
i like it
it is superb to make a social networking website
Love to use it for my project
Very Amazing
good one ...
its really helpful... and Very good One :)
I Like This ... Anything No More ...
Better than face book
i like it. thank you
This software is very beautiful thank you for making this software free
Wow its very good software its working smoothly
A nice cms to make your own social network with lots of features and options with active developers growing all the time. I have recommended this platform to many clients and they really like it and the fact it is open source and does not force you to leave link backs and logos etc is another plus to this fast growing cms for social sites and much more. You can do much more than just make a social netowrk with this CMS!
complete package ... by far the best community building application
Its a very nice software. It saved my money from buying similar application.
Better component installs than plugins built shabby by people with bad english, and affordable. Good front end, user friendly, just needs better profile customization, and some themes.
Im an oxwall fan but love this too. Nice work. Good front end and back end. User Friendly